We are excited to begin a new year of Faith Formation!
We are calling our Faith Formation Initiative:
Growing in Faith Together (G.I.F.T.)
which reminds us that faith is a gift in which we must always continue to grow,
and that we do this together as a household and as a community.
Throughout the year, we will provide opportunities for parishioners of all ages
to grow in the knowledge of and love for God.
Our 2024-2025 Theme: God Calls
Bible study is an opportunity to encounter God as well as learn about who we are as a Church. When people study God’s Word together in groups, they have an opportunity to know each other on a deeper level than is usually possible. It becomes an opportunity to build community and to extend that community in care for others.
Our Fall Study: Women in the Old Testament, Part One
Click here for more information.
Growing Up Catholic Faith Stories (Crecer en la Fe Catolica: Historias de Fe) is a whole family catechetical series for adults, children, and young teens. The story-based approach focuses on the core of our Catholic faith and provides opportunities for parents to share their faith with their children. The Faith Stories program is organized into three years – God Calls, Jesus Lives, and Spirit with Us. Each year is focused on a different set of stories, based around color family booklets, with editions for young children or ages 11-14.
In 2024-25, we will focus on God Calls, the first year of Faith Stories, which introduces the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures). We will host monthly parish-based whole family introductory sessions. Nine story-based sessions will be sent home for families to complete in between the introductory sessions.
A home study program is also available. Fifteen story-based sessions will be sent home for families to complete together in English or in Spanish. The Faith Formation Office will provide support for you to successfully complete the lessons. This is a wonderful way for the family to learn together and grow in faith.
Click here for more information and to register.
In addition to our Home Study Program, each week, suggested Faith At Home resources related to the Sunday Gospel can be found on our Lifelong Faith Website.
We invite you and your child to prepare with us during the coming months for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
This year we will use a process for preparing your child called Growing Up Catholic - available for two age groups (7-9, 10-14). In this process, YOU become the actual teacher of your child, but we guide you through every step. This is a memorable time of your child’s life – and the memories you make during this preparation period will be cherished for a long time.
The schedule allows for your family to participate in our Growing Up Catholic Faith Stories program as well.
For more information: Click here,
contact [email protected],
or call the parish office, 518-686-5064.
Welcome! Are you thinking of becoming Catholic? Would you like to know about the process of becoming Catholic?
The parish provides, every other year, a spiritual preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. The main component of the preparation is a process of liturgical catechesis which explores the mysteries of faith through symbol, ritual and story. This process of initiation is done in the midst of family, peers, sponsors, and mentors who will renew their own faith while providing supportive and witnessing relationships to the candidates.
Click here for information and schedule.